
Latest comment: ໗ ປີກ່ອນ by PiefPafPier

Please, could someone be so kind to rename this page from 'Hebrieusk' to 'Hebriuwsk'? This is the new spelling (see www.taalweb.frl). Thank you! --PiefPafPier (talk) ໑໘:໒໐, ໑ ພະຈິກ ໒໐໑໗ (UTC)Reply

Many sites still spell Hebrieusk, so this word can be kept along with another spelling: Hebriuwsk. --Octahedron80 (talk) ໐໓:໕໘, ໖ ພະຈິກ ໒໐໑໗ (UTC)Reply
Done. Thanks, Octahedron80. --PiefPafPier (talk) ໐໘:໑໙, ໖ ພະຈິກ ໒໐໑໗ (UTC)Reply
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